Friday, January 1, 2010


Wow Poppy, it's 2010 and that means you'll be here in less than 7 months!! You're making Mommy very tired so she didn't even ring in the new year, but was instead in bed by 9:30--which is pretty late for her these days! Daddy's being a really good sport taking care of Mommy and not complaining that she just wants to sleep all the time.

There's a lot going on with you right now but Mommy doesn't feel any of it. You're the size of a lime right now at about 2 to 2 1/4 inches. You've come a long way from the Poppy seed! You've got your organs and you can bend your arms and move around a bit, though I won't feel it for many more weeks. You're building bones and cartilage this week (week 10) and we're almost to the end of the first trimester which Mommy can't wait for.

We go to the doctor in two weeks for another ultrasound and we'll tell you all about it then. We'll even get to find out how much you weigh then! According to the books Mommy's reading, you weigh about 1/3 oz right now which is so tiny but you're growing so fast and that will start doubling and tripling soon.

We are so excited for this year. Each event that has happened, like Christmas and Thanksgiving, we keep saying next year Poppy will be with us! We'll try to take care of everything we need to and learn everything we can before you get here, but it is going to go so fast and then we'll be able to hold you and not just wonder about you.

Happy New Year little one. It's going to be the year you were born, the start of a new decade and a wonderful new part of our lives.

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