It's sure been a long time, or at least it seems so. We've had so much going on these last few weeks with a vacation, selling our house, and getting things ready for you that it's been hard to sit down and update your blog. But the next few weeks are not going to get any better so Mommy better just take this time now while your Daddy is still sleeping (she can't wait until you're born and he doesn't get to sleep in so late!!) and write.
We had a wonderful vacation the 2nd week of March, when you were 20 weeks, and you were an awesome sport. You enjoyed eating so much cruise food and Mommy's afraid that you're only going to like soft serve ice cream because there was no shortage on the ship and you already have taste buds! You swam with dolphins in Roatan, rode on the back of a scooter around the entire island of Cozumel, and drove a golf cart around Costa Maya. You are already very adventurous and Mommy hopes you'll love being outside hiking and walking and hopefully running as well as your Grammy Wandie and Auntie Megan.

This is Mommy at exactly 20 weeks, only 20 more weeks until you're due, in our cabin on the cruise ship.
You seem to have been some good luck for us this month. We got a sold our house and are leasing it back for a month which means by the time we move at the end of April, Mommy will be useless for carrying boxes (thanks Quinn!!!). Daddy's been trying to figure out how he's going to arrange your furniture in your new room. Which, speaking of furniture, lookie here. Your crib and toy chest are totally done and Daddy even put in your bedding to surprise Mommy when she came home. It looks so awesome. Your Daddy is very, very talented.

Oh and your Grammies got your stroller already and Daddy put it together and has been wheeling it all around the house! It's awesome and we can't wait to get you in there and show you off.
We also had a couple of sonograms this month and you are getting so big. These pictures were taken on 4/1 when you were 23 weeks and 3 days. You were moving all over the place yet yawning. Most people would think this is strange, but Mommy yawns even when she's working out so it makes perfect sense to her! At our last sonogram, you were sucking your thumb. It was quite cute! Daddy is able to feel you kicking and hiccoughing more and more these days. I guess since you weigh 1 1/2 pounds already, you're not so hard to feel. Mommy feels you all day long!

Ahh the yawning--we love the yawning! Seeing your cousin Ellie over the last month, we know these yawns will be a normal occurrence.

Here's another side profile. It looks like you have a cute, little nose.

You're looking at us dead on in this picture. It was hard to catch with you moving around so much!