It's November 15, 2009 and we confirmed that we're pregnant today. We actually took two pregnancy tests last night but the lines were pretty faint (though they were there) so your Dad wasn't convinced that we were pregnant! So we bought another test today that is digital and says pregnant or not pregnant and then he was convinced! Silly Dad!
This is pretty great news. If you want the whole story, we actually bought the digital test at Target and then I "tested" at Starbucks which is appropriate considering that's Daddy's favorite place! We looked at the results in the car and both started crying. We can't wait to find out more about you.
We haven't been to the doctor yet but from doing research online, it looks like our due date is July 26, 2010. I haven't been having any symptoms other than some tenderness which is crazy that you're already causing considering you're only the size of a poppy seed right now!
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