You know we really do have a name for you and we love it, but we are so fond of Poppy that it will definitely stick as your nickname. You real name will be Quinn, though Mommy and Daddy are trying to figure out if we want to spell it with one or two n's. Actually, Mommy want two and Daddy wants one and we haven't agreed yet on the spelling so since Mommy writes this blog, she'll keep it with two n's and hope she win this one!
These pictures are from your sonogram last week when we found out you were a girl. There is one with you facing right at us which is pretty cool. You definitely look bigger than the last sonogram which, at 7oz and about 5.5", you sure are. You're actually the size of a large mango this week at 1/2 lb and 6". Mommy has officially gained 10 lbs and has nothing to wear that fits! Oh and Mommy can feel you hiccough sometimes. It seems to be when she's lying down to go to bed. Your little head is right on her lower left side of her abdomen and that is right where she feels them. It's pretty neat and she wishes Daddy could feel them too, but she knows in time you'll be kicking so hard, he'll be able to feel that. Your Auntie Megan did get Mommy and Daddy a heartbeat monitor that presses against Mommy's belly and your heartbeat plays. It's amazing and gives Mommy a sense of peace that everything is going ok in there for you.
Daddy has primed your crib and is now getting ready to paint and today the paint for the stripes on your crib sides is going to be bought. We'll show you those pictures soon. But it probably won't be before you go on your first vacation this weekend. We're going on a cruise which you will become pretty familiar with. Mommy is excited because she can eat all she wants and these days that is all she wants to do. You seem to have a pretty big appetite!

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