It's been quite a few weeks--wonderful and flying by! Your dad and I have moved closer to work and closer to your grandmas'--all three of them! The new place is much smaller than our old house but the convenience is really wonderful. So we've been to the doctor a few times and you are healthy and strong as ever. You're moving all around and kicking and still hiccoughing! Mommy loves those things but there are a few discomforts I'm starting to feel as well like being uncomfortable sitting and sleeping. But overall, I still can't complain, you've been very easy!!
Here's a bump picture on April 12 at 25 weeks--definitely looking pregnant!

Mommy's work had a shower for us today and it was wonderful. There were so many people there from work and your Grammy and Daddy. The room was decorated so cute and you got a lot of cute clothes and toys and gear. You're one lucky baby. We played two games that were so fun. One was a game where different candy bars were melted into a diaper and we had to look and smell to figure out which diaper had which candy bar--it was hilarious watching everyone see the "mess' and smell the diapers. Your Daddy actually won this game which means he should be on diaper duty, don't you think! Then there was a basket full of separate little socks and each person had to try to pair as many as possible in 20 seconds. Mommy got the most--11 pairs-and the second fastest person got 9. Then a lot of people got 8 and so on. So, it sounds like the "pair" of us might make good parents after all!
Jennifer made this adorable diaper cake--it is soooo cute I don't even want to take it apart!

Priscilla's cousin made this cake. Not only was it adorable, it was good!!
The room was decorated so cute. The girls, and Justin, worked really hard and I am so thankful for them going out of their way for us.
A few of the game shots...

And, we got tons of presents--way more than we would have thought and it was so much fun seeing all the cute stuff!!

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