I've had quite a good last three and a 1/2 weeks. I still sleep a lot and eat even more, but I'm starting to be awake more and look at everything that's going on. I can hold my head up if Mommy or Daddy are holding me under my arms or if I'm on someone's chest. I've also been able to roll to my side since I was a week old and last week I rolled from my side to my belly, back to my side, and finally onto my back. I'm also able to stand when someone holds me under my arms and usually I can hold my head up at the same time. Daddy thinks I'll be walking in two months! I lost my umbilical cord stump Aug 22 so now I can take a "real" bath instead of a sponge bath, but so far that hasn't worked out so well because I cry more in my "big girl bath" than I do when I get a sponge bath on the counter! I like to smile a lot and I laugh in my sleep but mostly I love to swing in my swing or play on my play mat. I hit the rattles on my play mat like a pro and my parents are sure I am doing this intentionally!
Here are some pictures from the last couple of weeks. I have some videos to post too but I'm having issues getting them on this site, but I'll add once I figure it out!
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