So we were hoping our last post was just that, our last! But, you are obviously quite comfortable in your home, and I can't say that I blame you. Food will definitely be more boring when you come out! You've given us quite a run for the money in the last week. Our doctor sent us to the hospital Thursday night after our weekly appointment for a stress test and blood work because my blood pressure was high and you were already 4 days late so he wanted to make sure you were ok. I started having contractions at the hospital every 3-5 minutes right before we were set to leave but they were not so bad that I needed medicine so the nurse told me I should go home and eat and shower and try to take a nap in case they got worse because I won't get to do any of that in the hospital. The contractions stopped being as strong pretty soon after we left the hospital. So we were in the clear at that point but Mommy has been having contractions all weekend but no labor. Mommy and Daddy even went walking at the mall for an hour plus around the neighborhood but that is not getting you out. You should see the outfits Mommy's wearing--it's a nice combination of Daddy's gym shorts and his white undershirts. No pictures were taken of that, though, because it was not a good look!
So for sure, we are going to get to meet you tomorrow as we are being induced tomorrow morning!!! We're not sure if you're going to come out on your own once the medicine gets going because during the ultrasound Thursday night, the sonographer measured you at 9lbs 6oz!! You're going to be quite big and you haven't been trying to come out yet, so a c-section may be happening. We'll be happy to have you come out however you want and we just can't wait to see you!!
Here's a picture of Mommy today, August 2, at 8 days past your due date.

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