Sunday, January 16, 2011

5 1/2 months!!

Hi there!!!

I know I've been MIA for a couple of weeks and have been keeping pretty busy and going through huge milestones! I ate my first solid food other than cereal a day after my 5-month birthday--sweet potatoes-and I LOVED THEM!!! The very next day my first tooth broke through! My parents didn't even know I was getting a tooth because I never fussed. I had been drooling a lot for a whole month so Mommy just thought I was drooling since I wanted to put everything in my mouth. Sneaky... I did so well with the sweet potatoes that I tried applesauce four days later and I HATED THEM!!! So, today I tried fresh made green beans (my Mommy, who barely cooks, loves me enough to make my food for me) and I didn't like them very much either as you can see in this video. But, Mommy didn't give me any choice and mixed them in with my cereal and it wasn't AS bad, but I still didn't like it. We'll see how I feel about them later.

I have been spending a lot of time with my Grandma Carol and Auntie Karlie since my Auntie is still in town from Seattle. Mommy even took a day off of work to hang out with the three of us and we had a girls day in Fredericksburg. I had my first "ladies" lunch at the Peach Tree restaurant. We had a wonderful time. My Grandma bought me a hat that looks like our dog Sami!

I am trying to crawl like crazy. I get up on all fours and rock forward and backwards and then propel myself right onto my face! I'm trying to get to Sami but it's going to take some time.

Here are some pictures of Auntie feeding me before Christmas--this is when I was still only getting cereal and I love my cereal. All of Auntie's babysitting sure came in handy because I stayed pretty clean while I ate. I wish my Auntie could feed me all the time and lived here in San Antonio (hint, hint!). Look how Auntie mimics my mouth movements!

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