Whew, what an eventful few weeks I've had! I've been so busy, I haven't even had time to write! I have been very busy rolling over these days. I started rolling from my back to my belly almost two weeks ago and I have been going crazy with it! Sometimes I can roll myself back over to my back, but generally when I'm on my belly I get frustrated after a few minutes and grunt enough that my Daddy rolls me back to my back--but I then quickly get back to rolling over. I won't even sleep on my back anymore which really worries my parents but I don't give them a choice because any time they put me back on my back, I just roll right back over! My parents are sure I'll be crawling by Christmas because I definitely have the strength and I try really hard to move, but I can't seem to get any traction. If I see my toy, though, I do eventually make my way to it, but it is more of a scooching side to side that gets me there versus crawling!

I went to my first craft show last weekend. I got a beautiful dress, an adorable onesie, and two winter hats. I love wearing hats and the ones I got are so cute. It got cold enough today to wear them but they didn't match my outfit so as soon as I am coordinated, I will take some pictures.
I celebrated my first Thanksgiving with my Grandma Carol and my Grammy Wandie and Jerry and Esther (Grandma Carol's neighbors) at the Westin which is one of Mommies properties. My Grammy J was sleeping because she didn't get the holiday off. I didn't get to eat any of the food but I've been told that this will be one of my favorite holidays because all of my Grammies are great cooks! I wore a little black dress that my Mommy wishes I could wear everyday because she said I was adorable in it.
I am back to talking a lot. I took some time off from talking the last few weeks but I'm back at it. I however am not such a fan of people other than my parents lately. I don't like when people put their faces close to mine--I need my personal space. A lot of people tried to talk to me at the craft show, but I was not interested. I am entertained enough by my parents and my own reflection.
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